Dr Neil Roodyn new Regional Director

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Not only as a friend, but as an inspiration, Dr.Neil has again attained another milestone. From Frank Arrigos blog comes an amazingly pertinent announcement for Microsoft Australia - and all of us involved here:

Dr. Neil Roodyn announced as Microsoft Regional Director.
Snipping from Frank Arrigos Blog :
It gives me a great pleasure to announce we have a *new* Microsoft Regional Director for Australia -- Dr Neil Roodyn

We now have 3 excellent RDs downunder.
  • Adam Cogan
  • Dr Greg Low
  • Dr Neil

Welcome to the family Dr Neil !

[And yes, this is the same Dr. Neil from Dr. Neils Notes.]

In case you need more info...hws this from the Horses Mouth (so to speak)...

"Update: A number of people have been asking if this means I am no longer an MVP or if I am now employed by Microsoft. The answer is no. I am still a Windows Live Developer MVP and I am not what softies call an FTE (full time employee) or a Blue Badge. You can find out more about the Regional Director program here."

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