Steve Ballmer and HTC Shift

Friday, January 16, 2015

Its interesting how "The Shift" is being evangelized by Microsoft seniors now. It must tick a lot of boxes to have Steve Ballmer show it off on a recent television interview in Germany. Here is a great video posted by JKKMobile and here is more information from Chippy regarding the interview.

This confirms for me a couple of things:
  • The Shift is thinner than expected (well spotted ELO)
  • The tilt on the keyboard is solid which means the screen will not rattle when you touch-type
  • It seems to have a bright screen - given the amount of fluorescent lights used in a Television studio the screen still seemed pretty well lit

What it does not confirm:

  • Cost
  • Cost
  • Cost
  • Cost
  • Pen features
  • Touch Features

Overall it looks the biz! Great job Chippy and JKK!

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